ESLint v1.5.1 released

We just pushed ESLint v1.5.1, which is a patch release upgrade of ESLint. This release and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix: valid-jsdoc fix for param with properties (fixes #3476) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • Fix: valid-jsdoc error with square braces (fixes #2270) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • Fix: space-before-keywords had been wrong on getters (fixes #3854) (Toru Nagashima)
  • Fix: no-dupe-args had been wrong for nested destructure (fixes #3867) (Toru Nagashima)
  • Fix: don’t ignore config if cwd is the home dir (fixes #3846) (Mathias Schreck)
  • Fix: func-style had been warning arrows with this (fixes #3819) (Toru Nagashima)
  • Fix: space-before-keywords; allow opening curly braces (fixes #3789) (Marko Raatikka)


  • Docs: io.js is the new Node.js (thefourtheye)
  • Docs: Fix method signature on working-with-rules docs (fixes #3862) (alberto)
  • Docs: Add related ternary links (refs #3835) (Ian VanSchooten)

Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade: doctrine to 0.7.0 (fixes #3891) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • Build: Fix broken .gitattributes generation (fixes #3566) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • Build: Fix formatter docs generation (fixes #3847) (Nicholas C. Zakas)

The latest ESLint news, case studies, tutorials, and resources.

ESLint v9.1.0 released
2 min read

ESLint v9.1.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v9.1.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.

ESLint v9.0.0 released
12 min read

ESLint v9.0.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v9.0.0, which is a major release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release. This release also has some breaking changes, so please read the following closely.

Introducing ESLint Config Inspector
2 min read

Introducing ESLint Config Inspector

Introducing the ESLint Config Inspector, a visual tool to help you understand and inspect ESLint flat configuration files.