Announcing the ESLint Community GitHub organization

The ESLint Community GitHub organization is a place for important ecosystem projects to get the attention and support they deserve.

In our 2022 year in review, we briefly mentioned a couple of project kickoffs, and we’re excited to now announce the official eslint-community GitHub organization.

The strength of ESLint is in its ecosystem, and we continue to investigate different ways of further supporting that community. We began by donating to community projects, to ensure that high-value projects were receiving the funds they needed to continue with ongoing maintenance and development. Our next step is to create the eslint-community GitHub organization as a home for high-value projects in the ESLint ecosystem.

About the organization

As you can read in the eslint-community GitHub organization” RFC, the goal of this new organization is to have a place where community members can help ensure widely depended upon ESLint-related packages live and never fall out of maintenance.
The Community Core team (which currently consists of @aladdin-add, @ota-meshi, @voxpelli and myself @MichaelDeBoey) and all package maintainers will make sure these packages stay up-to-date with newer ESLint releases, and they don’t hold the wider community back by depending on a single person’s GitHub or npm account.

Organization projects

You might have noticed that some of your most beloved ESLint-related packages have already been moved over to or been forked by the new eslint-community organization. A full list of the current projects include:

We also intend to fork, bring up to date, and publish the following packages originally authored by @mysticatea as well:

Of course, we don’t want to stop there.

Submitting projects for the organization

If you think your project would be a good fit for the new eslint-community organization, or you’re depending on a project that’s currently unmaintained and want to have the community to adopt it, you can contact the Community Core team on the official ESLint Discord.

Keep in mind that we’ll only be able to accept projects that adhere to the following criteria:

  • Is it a package that is ESLint-related?
    Mostly this will be ESLint plugins, but (unmaintained) dependencies of such packages, closely related packages, or packages split from the main ESLint repo (like eslint-formatter-codeframe or eslint-formatter-table) or used by the main repo (like eslint-utils and regexpp) could go in the eslint-community GitHub organization as well.

    We won’t be accepting shareable configs as these are typically very opinionated and are easy to extend when necessary.

  • Is it widely depended upon throughout the ESLint community?
    We don’t have a real number in mind here, but the packages we currently maintain (or that we’re planning to maintain) almost all have at least 3M downloads/week.

These criteria aren’t written in stone, but are the guidelines we’re beginning with to determine whether to accept a project into the organization.


We hope that this new eslint-community organization will help us further support the awesome ESLint ecosystem and ensure that the community can continue to rely on these high-value, widely depended upon projects for years to come. Ensuring that the ESLint ecosystem remains vibrant and without stagnation is a key goal of the project as a whole, and we believe the eslint-community organization will only increase the confidence of ESLint users when relying on community-maintained projects.

If you have any questions about the eslint-community organization, feel free to ask them on the official ESLint Discord.

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