Published under: Announcements
5 min read
We just pushed ESLint v7.1.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.
New: no-loss-of-precision (fixes #11279) (#12747) (jmoore914)df01af1
Update: padded-blocks loc position changes (refs #12334) (#13328) (Anix)25462b2
Update: block-spacing changed loc for extra (refs #12334) (#13314) (Anix)a195141
Update: reporting location for semi-spacing (refs #12334) (#13285) (Anix)b0a6b81
Update: Improve report location for rest-spread-spacing (refs #12334) (#13313) (Milos Djermanovic)89e1081
Update: Improve report location for linebreak-style (refs #12334) (#13317) (Milos Djermanovic)742941d
Update: added typescript-eslint/recommended configs for init (#13235) (Anix)a93083a
Fix: astUtils.getNextLocation returns invalid location after CRLF (#13275) (Milos Djermanovic)bd3f092
Fix: max-lines-per-function flagging arrow IIFEs (fixes #13332) (#13336) (cherryblossom000)de0aab9
Fix: report end loc in one-var-declaration-per-line (refs #12334) (#13326) (YeonJuan)1710296
Fix: no-new-symbol false positive with Symbol as an argument (#13337) (Milos Djermanovic)cc01451
Fix: arrow-parens no reporting for comments inside (fixes #12995) (#13312) (Anix)e3e4c41
Fix: fix false positives of no-new-func (#13333) (Pig Fang)68c8ee3
Fix: Stop path analyzer on unknown nodes (#13305) (Ilya Volodin)2c778fb
Fix: remove custom plugins from replacedBy metadata (#13274) (Kai Cataldo)611c676
Docs: Update new rules policies (#13343) (Nicholas C. Zakas)0891379
Docs: Document the “correct” way to build an array with values (#13246) (Ed S)7f14846
Docs: fix broken link in Node.js API docs (#13307) (Kai Cataldo)1f17533
Docs: Gitter -> Discord URL (refs #13039) (#13308) (Nicholas C. Zakas)82a448a
Docs: improve documentation of no-return-await (#13215) (Linus Unnebäck)3a5fbb3
Chore: correct fileoverview doc in accessor-pairs (#13335) (YeonJuan)88127d7
Chore: remove checkbox from PR template prerequesites (#13330) (Kai Cataldo)72a4e10
Chore: Mark SourceCode getComments() method as deprecated (fixes #13293) (#13296) (SuperOleg39)f44a6b4
Chore: fix invalid syntax in require-await tests (#13277) (Milos Djermanovic)The latest ESLint news, case studies, tutorials, and resources.