ESLint Docs Components

Components used across this site.


The rule component is a macro defined in /components/rule.macro.html. The macro accepts a set of parameters used to render the rule.

A rule has a:

  • name
  • description
  • a flag to indicate whether it’s deprecated or removed: deprecated and removed respectively
  • a replacedBy value indicating the rule it has been replaced with (if applicable)
  • a categories object indicating the rule’s category


<!-- import the macro -->
{ % from 'components/rule.macro.html' import rule % }

<!-- use the macro -->
 { { rule({
    name: "rule-name",
    deprecated: true, // or removed: true
    replacedBy: "name-of-replacement-rule"
    description: 'Example: Enforce `return` statements in getters.',
    categories: {
        recommended: true,
        fixable: true,
        hasSuggestions: false
}) } }


array-bracket-newline deprecated

Enforces line breaks after opening and before closing array brackets.


🔧 Fix

no-arrow-condition removed

Replaced by or

Enforce `return` statements in getters.

