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ESLint Components

Components used across this site.


The card component is used to create blog post listings. To use the component, call the card() macro and provide the parameters required:

  • title
  • teaser text
  • author name
  • category
  • reading time
  • date


<!-- import the macro -->
{ % from 'components/card.macro.html' import card % }

<!-- use the macro -->
{ { card({
title: "The post title",
teaser: "This is a short description to demo what the card component will look like in the pattern library.",
authorName: "Happy McPerson",
category: "Sponsorships",
readingTime: "5 min",
date: "02-03-2020",
url: "/component-library/card"
}) } }

Example: Default card

The post title
5 min read

The post title

This is a short description to demo what the card component will look like in the pattern library.